Brand messages line the path of visitors and employees as soon as they enter the foyer. The central meeting point for all visitors is the 17th floor where meetings, conferences and events take place. This space serves a number of purposes and functions as a showroom, brand space and lounge in equal measure.

An arrangement of high-resolution digital signage displays serves for ambient and image visuals, as a presentation area for keynotes or as an interactive product portfolio. The displays can even be used as a backdrop optimized for video and photo shoots. The seamless change from one situation to the next is achieved by an iPad remote. Brand messages and the graphically generated moods can be modified by Mondi's marketing team. Editorial control within digital channels is essential to meet the demands of daily business.

Mondi Group operates globally in the business areas of corrugated packaging, flexible packaging, technical materials, and uncoated fine paper. The Group produces pulp, paper and plastic films as well as industrial and consumer packaging made of paper and flexible plastics.

Don’t be shy… say hi.

Welcoming, with a chance of a good coffee. We are always open for a personal chat.

Peter-Behrens-Platz 6

Haus SMART, 5. OG

4020 Linz